Albums, Motives, Apparatus
An introduction to Dr. Jkyll.
Dr. Jkyll is an impostor and a renegade. His titles are fake and his opinions are his own. He has shown himself to be a nuisance, but he also manages to bring a completely different perspective to the table. Never shy to speak his mind, whether profoundly contributing, or superficially adding to the chatter while also being completely uninformed, he functions as sounding board, critic, and conjure-upper of unconventional ideas. And as such, he is tolerated on this website and in the studio.
See Shop!
In this spot you will soon find music that you can buy and license only here. Buy and download pieces of music or albums for your private enjoyment or license them for your media project through one simple process—interact with us here instead of a multitude of rights-owners. Please be aware that this is new music and this is only possible with music for which we fully own all rights. For pieces you have found in movies or on older albums you will still have to go through the rigamarole of acquiring all the rights separately. Still, send us your request and we will point you in the right direction.